Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Come on, just do a little bit more...

As some of you may know, I am passionate about trying to save/clean-up the environment. I do as much as I can in my own life to be “green”. I recycle all plastics, cans, bottles, bottle caps, paper and cardboard at home (even the TP tube), and I bring a lot home from work to recycle, too. I consider the amount of packaging in a product before I buy it. I donate clothes and household items to the ARC and Bridging rather than throwing them away. At work, I helped start a recycling program, and I am also on the Green Team, where I create and edit a monthly newsletter. I love to bird-watch. In fact, I am almost militantly pro-wildlife. I am anti-hunting; that is why we have grocery stores. This may offend a lot of people, but I almost always side with the animal over the stupid person who got in trouble interacting with said wildlife.

Lately, however, I have been frustrated with the lack of meaningful activities we can do at work and the general apathy of my co-workers. I am beyond frustrated actually. I spend a lot of time on the newsletter and I really enjoy doing it, but I don’t think all the GT members even read it, much less the rest of the employees. People just don’t seem to care. Practically everyone leaves their monitors and desk lights on overnight; one guy even colored in the button on his monitor so no one could tell that he leaves it on. That was kind of the last straw.

So I decided that I am going to go outside the company and do my own thing by starting a blog. I will post interesting news stories, tips, slideshows and ideas about the environment and wildlife. It will make me feel good to share good news along with the work that still needs to be done.

I am not perfect; I fricken LOVE to drive Heidi’s big turbo engine and there isn’t much better than a McDonald’s hamburger. But I am trying and the stuff I do is EASY. I hope this will inspire you to try a little bit too. Thanks. bp

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