Friday, October 22, 2010

Stick A Cork In It

Most of us probably recycle our wine bottles. (If you don’t, what is the matter with you? Seriously.) Now we can recycle old corks too! A non-profit called Cork ReHarvest is helping to collect back some of the 13 BILLION natural corks produced every year. The program collects used corks and works with recycling centers to turn them into floor tiles, coaster and even shipping materials. will tell you which wine stores in your area are collection sites.


  1. a) I lust after cork floor tiles, and someday would loooooooooove to have a floor of them in my home.

    b) for the lazy: collection sites near the Twin Cities: Whole Foods in Uptown, Whole Foods in St. Paul on Fairview. Just those two.

  2. I love to keep my corks! I plan to do something grand with them someday... otherwise I will recycle them. ;)
